Vitamin C Counterclockwise

Vitamin C Counterclockwise

Vitamin C is one of the most vitamins. The universality of its application and generally prevailing belief that the appropriate dose may protect us from many diseases, it established her presence in folk medicine the majority of Polish families. What indeed it is not a question of recent years, from childhood because we were persuaded that this vitamin, usually closed in the form of a small yellow tablet will help us to safely pass through the autumn-winter period of turmoil.

Natural vitamin C, ascorbic acid vs

This belief is a lot of truth, vitamin C helps to quickly cope with a cold stimulating our immune system. Most important, however, it is to find a natural vitamin C. We must remember that what we buy in pharmacies is the most common ascorbic acid or L-ascorbic acid and the vitamin C is not. This is only isolate distillate naturally occurring therein, which besides, in its natural form comprises inter alia routine, bioflavonoids, tyrosinase or askorbinogen. If we notice the lack of any effect of these components and hence the activity of vitamin C has been completely suspended. This is due to the fact that this vitamin is done in the human body complex workflow associated with the delivery of nutrients, enzymes, antioxidants, minerals and activators. To this whole process was successful you are needed wholesome vitamin. Ascorbic acid can not fulfill this role only because it is a synthetic that is not found anywhere in nature and man-made. The fact is that it occurs also in natural vitamin C, but acts only as a kind of “protective packaging” for the other components of the vitamin. The ascorbic acid, which is most often encountered, the chemical derivative of corn starch, sulfuric acid and by-product.

Levorotatory vitamin C

Natural vitamin C is not only rich in all of the above ingredients but above all, it is left-handed, which enables its proper assimilation by the body. This natural nutrient is necessary for the proper conduct of a whole range of organic functions. Vitamin C plays a vital role in the functioning of the human body. He participates in the metabolism of tyrosine and the synthesis of adrenal steroids. It also has an impact on the behavior of normal oxidative potential in the cells.

Symptoms of vitamin C

Humans do not produce vitamin C, therefore, it must be supplied to the organism with food or as a supplement. Symptoms of deficiency of this vitamin is .:
– Weakness, fast fatigue,
– Lack of appetite,
tendency to develop bruises
scarified and bleeding gums,
difficulty in wound healing
muscle and joint pain.

However, this is only part of the symptoms. In cases of significant deficiencies, it may cause even scurvy, a disease which leaves considerable havoc in the human body, and in extreme cases even leading to death.

Remember, however, that in order to meet our daily requirement of natural vitamin C is no longer enough to eat one orange or drink a glass of juice. Due to the steadily declining amount of vitamins and minerals in fruits soon to guarantee themselves their optimal dose may become impossible. Therefore we reach the appropriate supplements, which will enable us to task. But remember to choose those rich in natural vitamin C, not synthetic ascorbic acid.

Only products that are natural extracts from fruits, which are considered real “vitamin bombs” can bring our expected results. It is worth to pay attention to those in their composition are primarily Acerola – because this is a real treasure trove of wholesome vitamin C. One of its fruit contains as much vitamin C as lemons kilogram, and its oxidative effects makes it among the best in plants, which soften the skin and prevent premature aging. It is this action caused that vitamin C commonly is sometimes called the “vitamin of youth”.

However, not only these fruits conceal the decks of vitamin C. Another of its treasure trove are even rose hips, which will further positively affect the vitality of the whole body cleanse it and neutralize the contents of the gastrointestinal tract.

The undisputed winner in this matter, however, are berries CamuCamu even called “super with bilberry”. This plant is an unquestionable record the content of Vitamin C. Fresh berries Camu-Camu contain min. 2500 mg of natural vitamin C 100g, which makes up 2-3% by weight.

Deciding so supplementation is worth so choose products with only natural composition, because only these are able to make up any shortfalls and to guarantee us complete assimilation.


The body’s resistance and diet supporting the resistance.

The body’s resistance and diet supporting the resistance.

Our body against viruses and bacteria weapons thanks to the city’s efficient immune system (immune). It has three main functions: First, the immune system establishes a barrier impermeable to bacteria and viruses. Secondly, if anything they get there – the immune system destroys them before they spread. Third, if you get up and begin to spread throughout the body – the resistance continues to attack unwanted visitors to their completely eliminated.

Resistance of the body does not always work as it should. Irregularities that may affect our immune system are:
– Allergy – the immune system attacks the allergen, which is harmless to the body, eg. Milk protein,
– Autoimmune disorder – when the immune system attacks its own body as if it were a foreign body,
– Immunodeficiencies, congenital or acquired,
– A cancer that affects the immune system.

United reduced immunity may be transient or mild, but can also be a very serious condition, directly threatening the life of the patient. A branch of medicine dealing with disorders of immunity is Clinical Immunology, the take-up in recent years is particularly important. Strengthening immunity should be a systematic process. Only by a continuous concern for the welfare of the immune system and ourselves, we avoid disease, and tiring colds.

Diet Auxiliary Resistance

In the daily menu the person who wants to strengthen your immune system should occur vegetables and fruits, which are a rich source of antioxidants (antioxidants). Antioxidants fight free radicals and at the same time contribute to the strengthening immunity. The diet should include supporting the resistance in particular: carrots, spinach, broccoli, tomatoes, peppers (especially red), citrus fruits, currants and strawberries.

Also important are fruits and vegetables containing vitamin C, which stimulates the production of interferon – a substance that effectively disposes of germs. The immune diet can not miss the yogurt with live cultures of bacteria that stimulate white blood cells to be more active. Can help with manuka honey – its antibacterial activity has been proven m. In. in the case of respiratory diseases, such as infections of the throat, cough, runny nose, hoarseness or sinusitis.




What is Chlorophyll to drink?

What is Chlorophyll to drink?

Green light for health!

Chlorophyll in ancient times was considered a “healer” who treated many serious diseases. Our body needs a lot of oxygen, and the green fluid is the best medium. If we eat green vegetables, drink green juices or take chlorophyll tablets or supplements will ensure the proper oxygen transport to the cells.

Chlorophyll is the green pigment of plants. It is responsible for converting sunlight into energy. Its structure resembles hemoglobin – the red blood pigment. Therefore, the green pigment in plants is often called “blood products”.
The more green pigment and oxygen in the body, the better the bacterial flora in the intestines. Consuming “blood products” supports the process of the treatment of atherosclerosis. It is also recognized as a cancer treating drug, because it prevents the occurrence of pathological changes in our DNA and inhibits the transformation of normal cells into cancer cells.
Health benefits of chlorophyll

Chlorophyll is known that reducing the need for insulin. It has a cleansing action (supports the process of cleansing the liver and intestines), removes toxins from the body, including heavy metals. Rebuilds and cleanses the blood, increases its clotting, regulates blood pressure and strengthens the cardiovascular system. It helps women regulate menstrual cycle. Supports proper functioning of the thyroid and pancreas. Removes carcinogens, ie. Carcinogens. Neutralizes the harmful effects of protein and body odor. Regular consumption of green pigment, strengthen our bodies and positive impact on our immune system. “The blood of plants” is a source of energy and helps in the treatment of anemia. In addition, it stimulates lactation in nursing mothers. In addition, a regenerating effect affects the renewal of cells and destroys free radicals, which are responsible for skin aging. It stimulates the production of vitamin A, E and K. It is also an ideal means to combat the acidification of the body.

Dietary supplement – Liquid Chlorophyll

Currently, the most common form of chlorophyll, from this drinking. There are several specificities on the market, which consist of the various essential nutrients. The most common of such supplements include: barley (responsible for acid-base balance in the body), chlorella (the largest source of chlorophyll, rich in amino acids, cleansing the body) and alfalfa rich in protein. Such a supplement can be used when you want to regenerate the whole organism (learn more at: composition and scientific opinion) Taking the flowing form of the supplement can be a quick way to ensure their health for the whole day!
Chlorella – the richest source of chlorophyll

Chlorella is recommended for people who have problems with bowel and liver. They might also use smokers and drinkers. Chlorella is a green algae from the Far East and is the richest source of green pigment all over the planet (from 3 to 5% pure chlorophyll). It is characterized by a deep green color and has valuable medicinal properties. It is a valuable material, which facilitates regeneration and cleanses the body. It is used in problems with the nervous system. Is known for its detoxifying properties – it helps rid the body of mercury deposits.
The use of chloro fi lu

It is used by sore throat, inflammation of the skin, problems with joints. It is also helpful in the treatment of varicose ulcers. As mentioned earlier, the “blood of plants” improves the function of liver, thyroid and bowel. It is worth to apply it in your diet. It is especially recommended in the diet for diabetics, because it reduces in them the need for insulin. It supports the development of beneficial bacterial flora.
Increasingly, it is used in cosmetics. His appearance in the composition makes the prestigious cosmetic. It is a natural alternative to harmful and artificial dyes. It is used in manufacturing soaps, creams, perfumes, cosmetic color. Ideally suited to the creams for oily skin, mixed gray and tired – it will nourish, oxygenate, strengthen blood vessels. Thanks to its antiseptic properties, enhances the effect of deodorant. In addition, perfectly moisturizes, it affects faster regeneration of damaged skin, makes wounds heal faster.



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