Discopathy – study, result, treatment, exercise

Discopathy – study, result, treatment, exercise

Discopathy – study, result, treatment, exercise

Lumbar discopathy, also known as the hernia of the nucleus pulposus, is a symptom complex resulting from degenerative changes in the intervertebral discs (discs) of the spine. Then they dehydrate (dehydrate) and reduce their height. The causes of this disease are associated primarily with a sedentary lifestyle, as well as excessive stress on the structures of the spine. Symptoms of lumbar discopathy include lower back pain, numbness in the lower limbs, sensory disturbances in the leg, and even paresis and problems with keeping urine or stools.
Lumbar discopathy – characteristics

Lumbar discopathy is a disease of the spine caused by degenerative changes in intervertebral discs and pathologies related to adjacent structures – ligaments, muscles and their attachments. Currently, it is a very common medical and social problem – discopathy is one of the most common diseases of civilization.

Degenerative changes in the structure of the discs cause a number of unpleasant symptoms, incl. back pain in the lumbar region, numbness in the lower limbs, stiffness, sensory disturbance. A very dangerous consequence of this condition is pressure on the spinal cord or the roots of the spinal nerves, which can lead to paresis.

In addition to limb symptoms, a hernia of the lumbar spine can lead to reduced urination, faeces, and sexual dysfunction.
Lumbar discopathy – causes

The lumbar section is considered to be one of the most common places where there is overload in the human musculoskeletal system. This is because it is the biomechanical center of the spine.

Among the factors predisposing to the appearance of a lumbar hernia are: obesity, excessive use of the musculoskeletal system by carrying heavy objects, carrying disproportionately heavy loads, rotating the spine while bending it at the same time.

Work in a forced position, such as prolonged sitting, exposure to vibration, or the need to bend down while keeping the knee joints straight, is also potentially conducive to discopathy. The specific, individually variable anatomical structure that may favor the development of L5 / S1 discopathy should also be taken into account. People with osteoporotic changes or endocrine disorders are also more likely to have herniated discs.
Lumbar discopathy – symptoms

Damage to the intervertebral disc in the lumbar region can cause a number of very different ailments. Usually, the severity of symptoms and their topography depend on the severity of discopathy. The most characteristic symptoms of lumbar discopathy include:

  • lumbar (lower back) pain originating from the nerve root,
  • neurological symptoms accompanying lumbar discopathy in the form of numbness, tingling in the lower limb,
  • increased tension in the paraspinal muscles, painful muscle spasms,
  • in some cases, sensory disturbances in the lower limb are possible,
  • bladder and bowel dysfunction,
  • difficulty climbing on toes.

Such symptoms may intensify after prolonged standing, sitting or attempts to load the spine, e.g. when lifting or moving furniture. Additionally, ailments may be favored by abnormal anatomical conditions and posture defects. This role is played, among others, by reduction of lumbar lordosis.
Lumbar discopathy – diagnosis and treatment
Treatment of discopathy begins with a thorough diagnosis. The basis is an interview with the patient and diagnostic tests provoking ailments characteristic of a lumbar hernia.

An example of such a test can be the Lasequa test. It consists in the fact that the patient, lying on his back, is asked to raise the lower limb. If we are dealing with lumbar spine discopathy, the need to move will generate pain, preventing the leg from being raised. It is then necessary to bend it at the knee joint.

Imaging tests are then performed. Depending on the severity of symptoms and the need to differentiate from other diseases, the doctor may recommend X-ray of the lumbar spine, computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging of the spine. The most accurate is, of course, resonance, which very precisely determines the degree and stage of damage, often colloquially referred to as a prolapse of the lumbar disc, which in fact means its displacement (only a fragment or a few fragments of the disc can be translocated). When undergoing diagnostic procedures, it may be necessary to perform an EMG test, which is recommended in the situation of the presented sensory disorders.

In the first place, the treatment of lumbar discopathy is carried out conservatively – mainly pharmacological agents from the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are used. Vitamin D supplementation is often recommended. Sometimes drugs from the benzodiazepine group are also used. In the case of very severe pain, a decision may be made to perform an epidural injection, i.e. an epidural block (commonly known as a spine block). If this procedure is not effective, surgical treatment of lumbar discopathy with the use of surgical methods such as laminectomy, discectomy and microdiscectomy is considered.
Lumbar discopathy – rehabilitation
Physiotherapy most often plays a major role in regenerating the damaged structure of the intervertebral disc. It is very important to implement a few basic rules. Important are: education in the field of daily activities so as not to overload the spine, reduction of excessive body weight, systematic individual therapy and following the recommendations of a physiotherapist.

In the treatment of lumbar discopathy, applications of Kinesiology Taping (kinesiotaping), mechanical diagnosis and therapy using the McKenzie method, deep tissue massage, TENS stimulation, and spine traction are used. In acute conditions, posture positions, such as the chair position, are used to alleviate the symptoms.

After the symptoms disappear, it is recommended to train the core muscles and promote the activity that maintains the spine in the best condition. Running should only take place on shock-absorbing surfaces and in properly selected footwear. However, whether you can play sports should be decided by the doctor in cooperation with the therapist.

Lumbar discopathy – exercises

Exercises for the lumbar spine to reduce the risk of discopathy include:

Position: lying on your back, arms along the body, legs bent at the hip and knee joints. The movement consists in lifting the hips to the height of the line joining the knee joints and shoulders. In the end position, keep your hips for 3-5 seconds while breathing. We perform the exercise in 3 series of 7-8 repetitions.
Position: hip-width apart, hands on hips. The movement consists in extending the lumbar section while exhaling at the top of the movement. We repeat the exercise 10-15 times.
Position: sit down kneeling, arms extended on the floor. The movement consists in moving the hands forward on the ground so as to elongate the spine. We perform the exercise in 2 series of 10 repetitions.
Exercises for lumbar discopathy should be an integral part of home treatment. It is worth remembering that their use must be consulted with a physiotherapist. If you want to relieve ailments in the form of inflammation and increased muscle tension, you can use Echinacea infusion and bath in water with Epsom salt.

Why are vitamins and minerals essential for life?

Why are vitamins and minerals essential for life?

Our body needs vitamins and minerals to function properly – they affect the development and efficiency of our body. They must be supplied in appropriate amounts and proportions with food, because the human body (with some exceptions) cannot produce them.

Traditionally, vitamins are divided into fat-soluble and water-soluble. Fat-soluble vitamins have the ability to accumulate in tissues, while water-soluble vitamins do not accumulate in the body, and their excess is excreted in the urine.

Vitamin and mineral deficiencies can cause many diseases. In the past, severe vitamin C deficiency caused scurvy and immunodeficiency, vitamin D deficiency – disorders of the osteoarticular system and rickets in children, the lack of iodine, which is necessary for the proper functioning of the thyroid gland, can lead to cretinism in children, and the lack of vitamin B1 can cause the disease beriberi, i.e. significant weakness and damage to the nervous system. Fortunately, these serious conditions are rarely found in the developed world today. Unfortunately, they can be found in poor countries, which lack food and adequate health care.

There is a huge variety of symptoms associated with a vitamin and mineral deficiency, and it is sometimes difficult to make an accurate diagnosis. The most common are:

  • weakness
  • easier fatigue,
  • apathy
  • muscle and joint pain,
  • decrease in immunity – more frequent infections.


It is worth remembering that a deficiency of magnesium and potassium manifests itself in cramps and muscle pains, especially often after uncontrolled physical exertion and lack of adequate hydration. Lack of foods containing iron and folic acid (vitamin B9) in the diet can lead to severe anemia and even a heart attack. The lack of vitamins and minerals belonging to the antioxidant group may not only lower immunity, but also significantly accelerate the processes of atherosclerotic plaque formation in the vessels – and thus increase the risk of heart attack and stroke.

It is also worth knowing that alcohol, nicotine, drugs, and legal highs significantly impair the absorption and metabolism of vitamins and minerals. On the other hand, physical activity and the elimination of toxins promote health and proper development at every stage of life.

A proper and varied diet provides adequate amounts of vitamins and minerals, and at the same time does not threaten to overdose them. Combined with daily physical activity, it is the key to health and well-being (Figure 1 shows the healthy eating pyramid). However, if you consume vitamin-enriched foods and vitamin supplements at the same time, you may consume them excessively, which may be detrimental to your health. Therefore, dietary supplements should not be used as a substitute for a varied diet.


  • All you need to do to provide your body with the necessary amounts of vitamins and minerals is to eat healthy.
  • We do not recommend supplementing vitamins and minerals without consulting a doctor, reach for them only when the doctor determines it necessary.
  • Remember that the body absorbs vitamins contained in food much more easily than synthetic vitamins contained in tablets.
  • Our diet should therefore include unprocessed products – natural, primarily: vegetables, fruits, fish, oils. We should not completely rule out meat, which is also rich in essential vitamins.

Both deficiency and excess of vitamins and minerals can be harmful.


The importance of vitamin D3 and K2 in the human body

The importance of vitamin D3 and K2 in the human body

Vitamin D is actually a steroid hormone, produced by the body when our skin is exposed to sunlight. In theory. In practice, its secretion depends on many factors, such as the time of the year, time of day, cloudiness and air pollution, latitude, the use of sunscreen, pigmentation, skin aging, the level of adipose tissue, exposed skin surface. to the sun. As a result, our body, in the conditions prevailing around us, is not able to produce an adequate amount of vitamin D. Therefore, supplementation is necessary.

Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin.

It is essential in a huge number of processes in the body.

It has a significant impact on bone metabolism.

It is particularly important in the developmental period – it is involved in shaping bones and teeth. It takes part in the fight against caries by the immune system, activating defense proteins, the so-called cathelicidin. Vitamin D deficiency in children leads to rickets, disturbed bone mineralization and decreased bone mass. In adults, it causes bone pain and diseases such as osteomalacia and osteoporosis.

It has a positive effect on the nervous and muscular systems, regenerates neurons and microdamages in the muscles, and increases their mass. Vitamin D deficiency may be related to sleep disorders.

It has an immunomodulatory effect, i.e. it regulates the body’s immune responses to various types of infections. Its supplementation in children may reduce the risk of type 1 diabetes. It supports the treatment of autoimmune diseases by affecting the cells of the bone marrow. It definitely increases immunity. It prevents the formation of cancer cells. Lowers the risk of developing multiple sclerosis.

Vitamin D deficiency indirectly influences the risk of developing arterial hypertension and heart failure, because it is responsible for the regulation of the functioning of the RAAS endocrine and enzyme system. This system controls the volume of blood circulating in the body and the concentration of sodium-potassium ions in body fluids.

It is important in the process of spermatogenesis and inhibits the growth of the endometrium.

It stimulates the liver’s ability to regenerate.

Daily supplementation with vitamin D3 is recommended at all ages – from childhood to old age. We will benefit from it at every stage of our lives. You should remember about the constant, regular intake of vitamin D3, because due to fat solubility, our body is not able to accumulate and store it.

A supplement that must not be mentioned when discussing the topic of vitamin D is vitamin K, which comes in two forms – K1 and K2.

Vitamin K1 is responsible for a healthy blood coagulation system. Vitamin K2, on the other hand, is known primarily for its beneficial effects on bones. Another of its properties is specific cleaning of the arteries of calcium (thus preventing calcification, i.e. calcification of the arteries). It plays an important role in the nervous system, affects memory and prevents neurodegradation. It has a good effect on the condition of the skin. It has been proven to inhibit the development of cancer cells for liver, brain, stomach, colon, lung, bladder and bone marrow cancer.

Vitamin K2 comes in different forms – MK4, MK7, MK8, and MK9. The most digestible form of it is MK7.

MK7 is obtained from natto, a Japanese fermented soybean product. Natto, a dish made of soybeans fermented by the bacterium, is a great source of MK7, but due to its specificity it is not readily consumed in our culture. Therefore, we use vitamin K2 MK7 in the form of supplements more often.

Why should you supplement vitamin D3 with vitamin K2?d3

Vitamin D allows you to absorb calcium very effectively. However, it can also have a negative effect on our body – calcium will accumulate in the coronary arteries, not in the bones. Vitamin K2 helps the body to store calcium in the bones, where it is needed. It has also been proven that the safety of vitamin D also depends on vitamin K, and the toxicity of vitamin D (although it is practically not in the form of D3) is caused by a deficiency of vitamin K2.